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Sphere Specification

Layer Specification

Sphere annotations are stored on a napari Points layer and can contain multiple splines.

  • is an (n, d) array of n d-dimensional points.
  • Points.features is a table which will contain column called
    • sphere_id, an integer id for each sphere.
    • radius, a radius for each sphere.
  • Points.metadata["n3d_metadata"] is a dictionary with the following key/value pairs
  • annotation_type: sphere

Zarr Array Specification

The following assumes an n3d file has been read into a variable called n3d using the zarr library

import zarr

  • n3d is an (n, d) zarr.core.Array containing the center of each sphere
  • n3d.attrs["annotation_type"] is "sphere"
  • n3d.attrs["sphere_id"] is an (n, ) array containing a unique id for each sphere
  • n3d.attrs["radius"] is an (n, ) array containing the radius for each sphere